“A Two-Way Mirror:Incoming Cross-Border Reproductive Care”, Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Denver, CO, October, 2018.
“The Myth of Anonymity:Are We Misleading Our Patients?”, Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, October, 2016; ACAL, Los Angeles, CA, March 2017; Donor Egg Meeting, Charleston, SC, April 2017; Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017.
“The Psychological Aspects of Surrogacy”, Presented at Men Having Babies, San Francisco, CA, June 2017.
“Talking to Your Children When the Story is Beyond the Birds and the Bees”, Presented at Vista del Mar, Los Angeles, CA, January 2015.
“Creating a Non-Anonymous Donation Program:The Good, Bad and Not So Good or Bad”, Presented at the SEEDS Conference, June, 2015.
“Psychological Readiness before Surrogacy”, Presented at the Families Through Surrogacy, April 2014.
“Anonymity and Disclosure in ART:What We Have Learned from Adoption”, Presented at the American Academy of Adoption, San Diego, CA, April 2014.
“Healthy Surrogate Arrangements: Information for the Professional Helper”, Presented at the Post Partum UCLA Depression Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, April, 2013.
“Third Party Reproduction for Family Building:Donors and Surrogates”, Presented at the Fertility Planit Show, Los Angeles, CA, January, 2013.
“Transparency in Surrogate Arrangements: The Good, the Bad and the Forgetable”, Presented at the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, CA, October, 2012.
“Evolving Ethical Challenges in Ovum Donation: Medical, Legal, Psychological Perspectives”, Presented at West Coast Conference, Los Angeles, CA, October, 2010/
“Open vs. Closed Gamete Donation: A Debate.”, Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Denver, CO, October, 2010.
“Challenges for the Professional: An Overview”, Presented at the West Coast Seminar for the Mental Health Professional Group of ASRM, Los Angeles, CA, May 2, 2009
“Egg Donation and Surrogacy: The Psychological Perspective”, Presented at the 2nd West Coast Symposium of Fertililty Source Companies, Anaheim, CA, November, 2009.
“Why They Do It? Surrogates, Egg Donors, and Sperm Donors Tell Their Stories”, Whose Story is it Anyway? Disclosure Issues and Sibling Registries”, Moderator at the Family Matters Education Conference sponsored by The American Fertility Association, October 5, 2008.
“From Cells to Superbabies: The Marketing of Gametes”, Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Washington, DC, November, 2007.
“Choosing Egg Donation and/or Surrogacy”, Presented at the Resolve Symposium, October 2, 2007.
“Third Party Parenting and Alternative Family Units: Psychological, Ethical and Medical Perspectives”, Pacific Coast Reproductive Society, Palm Desert, CA, April 20, 2007.
“Impact of New Reproductive Technologies and Adoption”, Presented at the Independent Educational Consultants Association, Los Angeles, CA, November 9, 2007.
“Choosing Egg Donation and/or Surrogacy”, Presented at Resolve Symposium, Calabasas, CA, October 2, 2007.
“Non-traditional (Gay, Singles and Lesbian) Family Building: What Practitioners Need to Know”, Roundtable given at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, New Orleans, LA, November, 2006.
“Successful Collateral Arrangements:What Patients and Physicians Need to Know”, Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, October 18, 2005.
“Traversing the Ethical Minefields of Third Party Reprodcution”, Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, October, 2004.
"Ethical Dilemmas Facing the Mental Health Professional: Multiple Roles, Conflicts of Interest and Professional Responsibilities", Symposia to be presented as the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 19, 2004.
"Creating Your Family-Dads and the Bio Link","Donor Issues", Family Matters, The 9th Annual Gay and Lesbian Parenting Conference and Resource Fair, San Diego, March 6, 2004.
"Infertility and Eating Disorders", Grand Rounds at Saint Johns Hospital, Santa Monica, California, December 8, 2003.
"A Psychosocial Perspective on Egg Donation: Options, Protocols, and Dilemmas." Symposia presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Antonio, Texas, October 15, 2003.
"The Nuts and Bolts of a Successful Surrogacy Arrangement:Legal,Medical and Psychological" Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, California, October 24, 2000.
"Infertility: The Emotional Rollercoaster" Presentation for the Kaiser Northern Regional Nurses Meeting, San Francisco, California, March 31, 2000.
"Sex and Infertility", Symposium at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Toronto Ontario, Canada, September 29, 1999.
"Disclosure Issues in Gamete Donation:Respecting Cultural Differences" Roundtable presented at the Sixteenth World Conference on Fertility and Sterility and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Francisco, California, October 7, 1998.
"Disclosure Issues in Gamete Donation:Respecting Cultural Differences" Roundtable presented at the Sixteenth World Conference on Fertility and Sterility and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Francisco, California, October 7, 1998.
"Ethical Issues: Helping Patients Decide on Treatment Options" Presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 20, 1997.
"Blended Families: Adopted, ART and Natural Children" Roundtable presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Seattle, Washinton, October, 1995.
"Talking to Your Children About Their Unique Beginnings" A Resolve/Serono Symposium for Patients and Health Care Professional, Insights into Infertility: Challenges and Ch
"Building Families:Ethical and Policy Issues in Adoption, Surrogacy, and Assisted Reproduction" Medicine, Ethics and Human Values Seminar, Santa Monica Hospital, Santa Monica, California, October, 18, 1994.
"Disclosure and Secrecy Issues in Third Party Reproduction: The Role of the Mental Health Professional." Lecture for the Post Graduate Course for Psychotherapists at Pacific Coast Fertility Society, April, 1994.
"Infertility and the Second Marriage" presented at the International conference on Infertility for the Patient Medical Team sponsored by Serono Symposia, USA, Arlington, Virginia, October 2,1993.
"Psychological Preparation for Gamete Donation" and "Psychological Aspects of Infertility" presented at Patient Education Series Santa Monica Hospital
"Identity, Loss, and Resolution" paper presented at the Resolve/Serono Symposium: Insights into Infertility, Pasadena, California, January, 1990.
"The Patient-Doctor Relationship," Workshop presented at the First National Conference on Infertility for the Patient and Medical Team in Washington, DC., October, 1989. hSociety for Reproductive Medicine, Seattle, Washinton, October, 1995.
"Talking to Your Children About Their Unique Beginnings" A Resolve/Serono Symposium for Patients and Health Care Professional, Insights into Infertility: Challenges and Ch
"Building Families:Ethical and Policy Issues in Adoption, Surrogacy, and Assisted Reproduction" Medicine, Ethics and Human Values Seminar, Santa Monica Hospital, Santa Monica, California, October, 18, 1994.
"Disclosure and Secrecy Issues in Third Party Reproduction: The Role of the Mental Health Professional." Lecture for the Post Graduate Course for Psychotherapists at Pacific Coast Fertility Society, April, 1994.
"Infertility and the Second Marriage" presented at the International conference on Infertility for the Patient Medical Team sponsored by Serono Symposia, USA, Arlington, Virginia, October 2,1993.
"Psychological Preparation for Gamete Donation" and "Psychological Aspects of Infertility" presented at Patient Education Series Santa Monica Hospital
"Identity, Loss, and Resolution" paper presented at the Resolve/Serono Symposium: Insights into Infertility, Pasadena, California, January, 1990.
"The Patient-Doctor Relationship," Workshop presented at the First National Conference on Infertility for the Patient and Medical Team in Washington, DC., October, 1989.